Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Garden Fairy

A child's imagination come to life: fairies in the garden!
Shooting for the Make A Wish Foundation last year, we took the families to a local cafe/gallery fittingly named "The Secret Garden". Out the back is a huge green field surrounded with gorgeous gardens. Our very own fairy showed up to play with the kids. I followed them down (kids and a sunny green field was a sure-fire photo heaven), and I noticed Miss Fairy seated by this garden sign while playing with some of the younger kids. This is the shot that I got.

P.S. The sunny-green-field + kids combination definitely paid-off, I wish I could upload some of those photos! But I can't for the privacy of the children.

Below we have some fun photos of Miss Fairy: a big colourful smile, and Miss Fairy riding a Harley later that day, which makes for quite the comical sight!

1 comment:

  1. mmm i get the vibe you used the new vibrancy tool on the last photo? :P

    Love the top photo, composition and desaturation? well that slightly dark feel to it..


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