Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easterfest Eclectic - Light by Day, Light by Night

Easterfest 2012, Queens Park, Toowoomba.
Beautiful light morning and afternoon,
a melting pot of artificial light by night, buzzing under a full moon.

Rain - Sangkhlaburi Valley Rainbow

I entered the Epiphanie Camera Bags + Zenfolio Picture It photo contest!
This photo was taken in the mountains of Sangkhlaburi, Thailand.
A treat to the eyes, an isolated section of rain produces a stunning rainbow over the valley.
The river that runs through the middle swells to fill the entire valley and form a
giant inland lake after the rainy season.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Life in the Small Things - Morning Sun

The morning sun has such a lovely way of greeting the world.
It gently extends its fingers, just softly touching the edges of the world, waking it slowly, until all is soaked in its warmth.
It greeted me so kindly this morning that I paused to remember it.
Life in the smalls things is joyful.